A scalable Lagrange-Remap scheme for compressible multimaterial Euler equations with sharp interface reconstruction


This work is in the field of multi-material compressible fluid flows simulation. The proposed scheme is eulerian and related to finite volumes methods, but in a Lagrange-Remap formalism on regular orthogonal meshes. The Lagrangian scheme is staggered and the remap phase is similar to a finite volume advection scheme. The multi-material extension uses classical VOF fluxes for sharp interface reconstruction. The originality of the scheme is in the attempt for a 9 points remap scheme without directional splitting. This strategy should allow to preserve good properties of classical multi-material staggered schemes, while saving parallel communications with the one step remap. Results will be discussed and compared to those from classical Lagrange-Remap schemes on severe benchmarks.

Master’s thesis at IP Paris (ENSTA)